Tuesday, January 24, 2006

When dieting, a person adopts certain procedures to reduce the flab in the body and improve the waistline. It doesn’t mean starving to the core. It requires an understanding of the calories needed by the body and planning accordingly. A Physiological calorie is the amount of heat necessary to raise the temperature of one kg of water by one degree centigrade. One gram of fat yields nine calories while the same quantity of alcohol yields seven. An Apple provides about 20 calories and a Mango about 122 Calories. For instance, a woman in the process of dieting may aim to achieve 1500 calories, which may prove detrimental if the caloric intake goes further down resulting in the loss of health. On the other hand, high total caloric intake may also cause ill health. Interestingly, people who are obese don’t necessarily consume more, than people who are of normal weight. This can be due to their lack of necessary fat reducing agents. There are about eight such agents like Vitamin B6 and Pancreatic acid that burn the fats in the body. It is said that if foods with these constituents are added to our body, the unwanted body fats can be removed.

While these are the basics of good diet, there is another remote area of diet, which has a close relevance to the diet we take. This is the domain of blood group and researchers have evolved these studies of which the details are as follows:

‘A’ Group: Vegetarian food is best suited for people who are in this blood group. Vegetables such as beans are very good for their health. Research reveals that persons belonging to ‘A’ group may be prone to cardiac related problems and diabetes. Milk and its products don’t suit their bodies since digestion will be a problem. Certain chemicals in potato, Tomato and cabbage may create stomach related problems.
Read between the lines: What is the definition of a Calorie?
How many Calories does an Apple provide?
What is Sonoma Diet?
What is a Food Pyramid?