Saturday, April 01, 2006

When in a country like India where human resources is considered as an investment, the nutrition statistics seem to be far from satisfactory. A recent study concludes that about 50 % to 58% of men, women and children suffer from malnutrition due to insufficient consumption of micronutrients such as Iron, Folic acid, Vitamin A and Riboflavin. This may be due to the proclivity to consuming more of cereals and sugar, rather than consuming more of fruits& vegetables and carbohydrates. Lack of awareness to healthy style of diets Viz:Sonoma Diet and knowledge about food pyramid, Lassen's Health food of Natural fruits and Vitamins can go a long way in preserving the health. Another study may be an eye-opener for youngsters who go in for fast foods in an unwanted spree. This only creates more fat people. Eating to fill the belly and stuffing them with junk foods will only add fat. For people with flab already, though herbal life weight loss products are available aplenty in the market, please watch out for the efficacy of the products. Magical cure is miles away from truth. This study conducted on 18 Delhi schools found that 16 out of every 100 students were overweight. A group of three of more factors such as Insulin resistance resulting in high sugar levels, raised levels of triglycerides or bad cholesterol and low levels of HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) – the good cholesterol, abdominal obesity contributing to a BMI (Body Mass Index) >23 and high blood pressure - is termed as Syndrome X. 33% of those surveyed were eating fast-foods atleast thrice a week with a sedentary lifestyle, which is a double whammy. Also 70% of students reported that they didn’t participate in any physical activity.

Another study in US also confirmed that consumption of soda by young students was the prime reason for obesity and therefore it was also suggested that parents encourage their children to have their food in home, so that their nutrition and dietary factors are taken care of by the parents. Parents can elaborate about diet patterns such as Sonoma diet and Lassen's health food to keep the youngsters abreast with the changing trends in diet. An awareness about the list of high protein products, urge to be fat free are essential and above all herbal values are not to be treated obsolete. After all, parents not only serve food, but they mix love and care as a potential combination with food. The high salt content used in preservation of junk food such as chips is also believed to play havoc in the health of children. Young buddies, got the message right. I hope parents also take a cue out of these stats.
Food for thought: Which cholesterol is bad for health?
What is BMI? How is it calculated?